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Dental Veneers in Silver Spring & Hyattsville, MD

Dental Veneers in Silver Spring & Hyattsville, MDCosmetic dentistry comes in a variety of forms, and one of the most versatile procedures categorized under cosmetic dentistry is the porcelain veneer. Dr. Allen Gotora from Stellar Dental in Maryland prescribes veneers for a variety of different situations, and knowing some background details about the procedure can be helpful the next time you’re considering cosmetic dentistry.

What is a veneer?

  • Veneers are an incredibly useful tool for cosmetic dentists because of the unique way they are structured. Porcelain veneers are incredibly thin, tooth-shaped “shells” that can be bonded to the surface of a tooth. As such, they can be easily manipulated into a shape conducive to solving specific tooth-shape dental problems. Think of porcelain veneers like the dentist’s version of a bandaid — it can be used to cover up any number of cosmetic issues and can protect a tooth from further harm.

  • Veneers have a clear advantage over bandaids, though, in that they aren’t temporary. Porcelain veneers, once they are attached to a tooth, are permanent additions to your mouth, which is also why the procedure for getting veneers isn’t as simple as sticking a piece of porcelain to the teeth.

What is the procedure for getting veneers like?

Dental Veneers in Silver Spring & Hyattsville, MD

  • First of all, your dentist has to carefully prepare the tooth in question to make sure it can accommodate a veneer. This is because veneers, though they may be less than a millimeter thick, still take up space in the mouth. Absent the preparation phase, the finished veneer would noticeably stick out and look strangely bulky. Thus, Dr. Gotora will carefully file away half a millimeter of dental enamel from the tooth to make room for the veneer.

  • After this preparatory phase, your dentist will take a mold of the newly filed-down tooth and carefully create the actual veneer based on the impression. Because everyone’s teeth are slightly different, veneers need to be custom-made to fit the situation to ensure a seamless result. The part of treatment will often outsource a dental lab to make sure the best possible veneer is fabricated.

  • Finally, the exciting part comes — your dentist will carefully fit the veneer over the tooth. He or she will likely need to make numerous tiny adjustments before cementing the piece on and polishing the result. This step makes sure that the veneer fits perfectly. Since the veneer can’t be removed afterwards, you’ll definitely want the extra attention. After all, there’s nothing worse than a cosmetic procedure that doesn’t fit quite right. Once the perfect alignment is achieved, you’re all set. The veneer will have successfully created whatever cosmetic change you were looking to solve.

  • What types of problems can veneers solve?

    Because veneers completely cover a surface of the tooth, they can be used to treat a number of different cosmetic issues. These include, but are not limited, to the following:

    • Discolored teeth:

      Everyone’s teeth can become stained over time. Our dietary habits and genetic predispositions almost guarantee some discoloration occurring over time. Teeth whitening procedures should be able to reverse this discoloration most of the time, but, in severe cases, they might simply be insufficient. Veneers can be used in those situations to cover up persistent stains and present a pearly-white exterior.

    • Irregularly shaped teeth:

      Teeth typically have relatively smooth surfaces, but erosion can cause the teeth to develop craters and bulges over time. Veneers can hide these signs of wear by covering up these irregularities and protecting the tooth from further damage.

    • Damaged teeth:

      Accidents can happen to any part of the body, and teeth are no exception. A bad fall, a blow to the face, and even a particularly enthusiastic crunch on a piece of hard food can cause a tooth to crack or chip. For severe damage, restorative treatments will be needed, but minor issues that don’t affect the functionality of the tooth can be covered far more economically with a veneer. Again, veneers can hide the evidence of the damage and further cover the tooth with a hard shell that will guard against future damage.

    • Misaligned or uneven teeth:

      Most of the time, patients default to orthodontia to solve problems like misaligned teeth, but veneers can actually be a far cheaper way to accomplish the same end. Experienced cosmetic dentists can use veneers to adjust misalignments, straighten uneven teeth, and even close gaps between the teeth. Not every patient and dental situation may be eligible, but it never hurts to ask if you could potentially benefit!

    If you experience any of the cosmetic issues, you should ask a dentist if veneers are right for you! Dr. Allen Gotora from Stellar Dental in Maryland is always happy to discuss potential treatments with his patients. Just call (301) 754-1900 or visit the website: Stellar Dental to set up an appointment today!

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