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Rotary Endodontics

Rotary Endodontics in Silver Spring, Md.

If you have been told you need a root canal, you probably aren’t looking forward to it very much. However, if you are a patient of Dr. Allen Gotora and Stellar Dental, you’ll be happy to know that Dr. Gotora uses rotary endodontics for root canals. This is the latest in root canal therapy technology, which makes the procedure smoother and more comfortable for patients.


What is a root canal?

root-canalInside the tooth, there is a soft pulp that is made of connective tissue, nerves, blood vessels and soft tissue.

If bacteria get into the pulp, which can happen if a cavity isn’t filled or if a tooth is cracked or broken, it can multiply and cause an infection. This is not just painful; it can lead to serious problems. It can lead to pus to form on the tooth root (an abscess), or it can result in an infection. This can cause bone loss around the tip of the tooth and swelling in the face, neck and head.

Dr. Gotora will be able to tell you if you need a root canal after examining your teeth. However, if you have any symptoms of an infected tooth you should make an appointment with Stellar Dental right away. These symptoms include severe pain when you chew, gums that are swollen and tender, a tooth that has suddenly turned a dark color, and sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures that remains even after the hot or cold item is removed.


What is the old root canal procedure?

Before the procedure, Dr. Gotora will numb the tooth with local anesthesia. Then, he will drill a small hole in the top of the tooth, remove the pulp, and clean out and disinfect the tooth. He may inject an antibiotic medication into the tooth, and he’ll fill it with an elastic material before placing a crown or a filling to protect the tooth.

This procedure, of course, can be uncomfortable for patients. That’s where rotary endodontics comes in!

rotary-endodontics2Rotary endodontics is the use of electric-powered instruments rather than the traditional hand-held ones. These instruments have a strong and flexible nickel titanium tip that cleans the root canal space out quickly, smoothly and consistently. These instruments are very quiet, so that the procedure can be done without that grinding, loud noise that most people think of when they think of going to the dentist.

Root canals already have a very high success rate, but with rotary endodontics, the dentist can perform the procedure even more precisely and with fewer complications.


Will a root canal hurt?

Most patients report that a root canal hurts about as much as having a cavity filled. And rotary endodontics makes the procedure go even more quickly and can make the patient more comfortable.


What happens after the root canal?

After the root canal, your tooth will feel much better than before because the infected pulp has been removed. The loss of the tooth pulp won’t affect how your tooth functions at all. And, most people won’t even be able to tell that you’ve had a root canal because Dr. Gotora will place a crown or a filling on the tooth.

If you are tender and sore after the procedure, you can try an over-the-counter pain reliever, such as ibuprofen. Eat soft foods for a few days afterwards. If Dr. Gotora gives you an antibiotic, make sure you take it as instructed.

Most patients resume their normal activities within a day. Your gums may be sore for a few days, but you should try to get back to your oral health care regimen as soon as you can. Rotary endodontics can help make a root canal procedure just a little more comfortable and quick for patients. That’s why this tool is an important instrument in the Stellar Dental office!


If you are having tooth pain, make an appointment at one of the Stellar Dental locations today. There is an office in Silver Spring, (301) 754-1900  and one in Hyattsville, (301) 853-1567.